An international and scientific metropolis
Ranked in the Top 5 most innovative cities in the world, Grenoble is constantly reinventing the future. Here, laboratories, universities and companies work together
to make the world of tomorrow.

The world's 5th most inventive city
(Forbes, 2013)
2nd French regional research centre with 25,000 researchers, 5 major European instruments (ILL, ESRF), 8 national research organisations (CEA), 5 clusters.

A young and qualified population
More than 65,000 students including 9,000 international.
2nd most attractive French city for students (2016)
5th favourite city for executives (2014)

Land of excellences and innovation
In the heart of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (2nd greatest French economic region, 8th European) and 5 major competitiveness clusters (Minalogic, Lyon Biopôle, Tenerrdis, Axelera, ViaMeca), the Grenoble-Alpes Metropole is today one of the most innovative European territories in sectors such as micro and nanotechnologies, software, life sciences, energy ...
Organising your event in Grenoble Alpes, is putting innovation at the forefront.