Grenoble, European Green Capital 2022
The City of Grenoble and its partners have won the title of European Green Capital 2022. This title, awarded each year by the European Union, is recognition of Grenoble's environmental example.
Organising your professional event in a sustainable metropolis, does that inspire you?

Launched in 2008 by the European Commission with the slogan "Green cities - fit for life", or "Green cities - soft to live", the title of Green Capital is awarded to cities that meet ambitious objectives in terms of the environment, sustainable development and can act as a model.
The title lasts a year, during which Europe makes the elected territory an ambassador territory at the national and European levels. Elected Green Capital 2022, Grenoble convinced the European Commission thanks in particular to the following assets:
- reduction of fine particles in the air by 25% between 2004 and 2015
- generalization of 30km / h and the largest Low Emission Zone (ZFE) in France
- second city in France for commuting by bicycle and 320 km of cycle routes
- school canteens half supplied with organic and / or local products
- zero phytosanitary products for the City's green spaces for 10 years and before everyone else
- in 2022 Grenoble will be supplied with 100% green electricity, 0% carbon and 0% nuclear power
- ...
The European Commission has ranked Grenoble in 1st or 2nd position out of 11 of the 12 indicators. Find all the advantages of the Grenoble application on
To inspire others and inspire oneself, the title of European Green Capital 2022 was a real opportunity to strengthen the attractiveness of the territory. Promotion, investor visits, events, tourism, experience sharing and even general public meetings were punctuated in 2022.
By bringing together the players in the territory around this common challenge - amplifying transitions - Grenoble Alpes shared its conception of a resilient city, respectful of living things and guarantor of security.
Twelve challenges (air, energy, inequalities and migration, mobility, health, city of tomorrow, etc.) stimulated a positive dynamic for the territory. It was a question of accelerating the transitions according to several axes marked out by indicators: protecting resources, reducing nuisances, adapting to the climate, federating energies.
The title of European Green Capital 2022 was also a unique opportunity to:
- create a tremendous ripple effect locally, but also swarm elsewhere
- benefit from positive media coverage at European and international level
- boost local pride
- intensify networking, in particular with access to the network of European Green Capitals and more broadly, put France at the heart of change in Europe.

Grenoble-Alpes Métropole pursues a proactive policy encouraging short circuits and eco-responsible initiatives, in particular through the promotion of local producers or the implementation of its Air Energie Climat plan, which makes it possible to achieve the highest level of excellence - Cit'ergie GOLD - and join the only two local authorities labeled at this level in France.
Did you know that the first eco-district in France was born in Grenoble, in 2009? Here the public transport network - pioneer with the reintroduction of the tramway in 1987 - was one of the first in the world to become fully accessible to people with reduced mobility. Today, thanks to a network of 5 tram lines and nearly 50 bus lines, 100% of convention centers and 90% of hotels in Grenoble are served by public transport. A title dedicated to the travel of delegates is available.
The 320 km of cycle paths and the progressive development of 40 km of Chronovélo axes have enabled Grenoble to become the second French metropolis for the use of the bicycle, the first city for home / work trips.
Event providers are also keen to develop eco-responsible offers and services: from event agencies to caterers and hotels, Grenoble professionals are committed to more sustainable events.
The Convention Bureau is not left out: since the summer of 2021 Grenoble Alpes Tourisme has been engaged in an ISO 20121 certification process. This standard dedicated to the events sector will impact our B to B and B to C actions in an eco-friendly objective and limitation of our carbon footprint.
Find out more about our ISO 20121 certification process (in French).
Some good practices for an eco-responsible event
- Choose a place that respects the latest environmental standards, especially with regard to energy and water consumption
- Offer fair catering and short circuits
- Avoid disposable, prefer durable materials
- Favor soft transportion
- Schedule nature activities, while respecting the surrounding ecosystems
- Eco-communicate and educate your participants
Do you want to be attentive to the environmental impact of your next event? Contact the Convention Bureau